Heya ! I'm Hippunk, a beginner game dev.
My position is actually research software engieneer at Champollion College in Albi, working on serious games and skill assesments (for now, tasks organisation).
I'm into video games since I'm able to hold a controller. (I've started on my parent's MasterSystem, they where early age gamers ;D).
Programming is a lot of fun, but making games is a lot more. There's so much to learn. I've planned to work on drawing and audio composition. Yet it's not good enouth to be used in anything (Exept in a game with stickman and random bips). I'm also doing a lot of analytics and theory on game design, user experience and game theory in general. But hey ! the best way to learn is to practice, right ? That's why I'm here !
Y've build a small team of video game dev enthusiasts : https://twitter.com/PlatypusCorp
We are making games for Ludum Dare (For now two, hopefully there's a lot more comming). https://ldjam.com/users/hippunk/games
I'm also planning to do game jams as a hobby in a higher frequency than now.